ATTENTION: Read Before You Register For FORSAGE BUSD Smart Contract

Ighoyivwi Christopher
6 min readJun 14, 2021

One question that may be going on in your mind right now is what is trust Wallet, FORSAGE BUSD and how does it work? You will discover why you need to read this article before you register for FORSAGE BUSD Smart Contract below.

What is Trust Wallet?

Trust Wallet is simply a multi-coin wallet acquired by Binance in 2018. The wallet allows everyone to store, send, receive and exchange various cryptocurrencies with the all-in-one account. You can download Trust Wallet to your Android or Apple phone from Google play store, Apple Store, or Windows and Mac computers.

With a Trust wallet, you can store the vast majority of cryptocurrencies on the market including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Binance (BNB), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum Classic (ETC), and many more coins. You are in full control of funds by securing your private keys at the same time.

Image of Trust Wallet

What is Forsage?

Image of Forsage

Forsage is recognized as a smart contract. Smart contracts are applications that are carried out and execute on Blockchains, decentralized systems that permanently record transactions in a reliable order, and are popularly known as the platforms that realize cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

The smart contract cannot be reversed, hacked, and changed once it is deployed. Now that you know what Trust Wallet and FORSAGE BUSD are, let’s see if it’s trustworthy to invest in it and how to get registered.

Is FORSAGE BUSD a scam or a legit platform to invest?

The last Forsage smart contract launched on the Ethereum network has proved to be a life-changer to as many that participated on the platform. Not only does it change lives but was also an avenue for participants to make passive income.

A lot of people were skeptical about the platform, some were doubting the platform and others concluded that it was a scam. Months into FORSAGE Ethereum, the price of cryptocurrencies increase by over 500% from March 2020 to April 2021. This resulted in making a fortune from the FORSAGE Ethereum smart contract.

FORSAGE Ethereum did not continue because of high registration fees which resulted from the increase in the price of Ethereum and other coins. As such, the purpose of making it affordable for everyone was defeated. This was also the case with the TRX network.

On June 1, 2021, the team launched the Forsage BUSD on the Binance Smart Contract. This is to make it accessible to everyone.

Reason for adopting BUSD for Forsage Smart contract

Although the team still believes in ETH and TRX, the vision of making it affordable for everyone was defeated due to the rise in the price of the coins as stated above. This made them adopt the BUSD.

But, what is BUSD?

BUSD is a cryptocurrency known to be stable with an exchange rate equal to $1. It is backed by Binance was approved by the New York State Department of Financial Services. The Binance USD was created to improve the decentralization of the financial ecosystem.

Why does the Forsage team adopt the BUSD?

Because BUSD is a stable coin, the price does not change and it is not affected by the fluctuation of other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, etc.

Another reason the Forsage team adopted the Binance USD is that it can be easily swapped to other coins. Its price is stable and the registration is fast and easy.

Results in FORSAGE network are no longer dependent on the currency price fluctuations. And this means a more stable business can be built and no more losses from price movements in case of a market correction.

How does FORSAGE BUSD works?

The FORSAGE BUSD MATRIX MARKETING is fair, cheap, with no deadlines for slots, a limited number of places, and an unlimited number of recycles. There are two ways to earn massively from the Forsage BUSD, the X3, and the X4.

In the FORSAGE BUSD x3 program, there are three places in one line as shown below.

As stated in the diagram above, in the X3 program below you is three places in one line, and in the FORSAGE X4 program below you are two lines, 3 places in the first line, and also 4 places in the second. As you register in FORSAGE, you open both programs simultaneously.

Step by step guide on how to register for FORSAGE BUSD.

To register for FORSAGE BUSD you need the following.

  1. Smartphone
  2. Trust Wallet app from either Google play store or Apple store
  3. $10 worth of BUSD and $3 worth of BSC for the network fee. This will be around N6,500.00 (Nigerian naira)
Image showing BUSD and Binance Smart Chain

How to register for FORSAGE BUSD

After downloading the Trust Wallet, ensure you write down your wallet key phrase. This will enable you to access your funds in case your phone is damaged or stolen. Know that no one can have access to your wallet with these and not even Forsage. Everything you earn goes directly to your crypto wallet.


  1. Next is to fund your wallet with $10 worth of BUSD and $3 worth of BSC (Binance Smart Chain). (You can DM me for assistance if you have issues crediting your wallet through my WhatsApp link below).
  2. In Trust Wallet open the Dapps Browser. Dapps is a search engine for decentralized applications. Copy and paste this link to visit the official website. You need to set up a DApps browser if you are going to use Trust Wallet on iOS. Read more here
Trust Wallet account showing Dapps browser
Dapps browser in trust wallet showing where to paste referral link

3. After pasting the link in the browser, click search and wait for it to pop up the Forsage on the BUSD page. Click on the Ethereum Icon and change it to Smart Chain.

Image of Forsage BUSD registration page

4. Then click “Register BUSD” in the BUSD window.

5. Proceed to registration.

Steps to register for Forsage BUSD

6. Check the “I agree and accept” box. The click on Accept

7. Check and ensure that the ID is 47413.

6. Approve your wallet (confirmation from your BUSD wallet is needed to start working with FORSAGE smart contract). Click “Confirm”.

8. The page that shows “A BUSD transaction requires BNB to pay network fees” will pop up. Click on “Confirm” for authorization. And “Confirm Transaction” page will open.

Image showing the first steps of registration on Forsage BUSD

9. Create an account by pressing the “Register” button and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Wait a moment for the transaction to be confirmed and this will redirect you to your account.

Why you need a referral link.

When you join using my referral link ( ) or ID (47413) you earn passive income from your up line and down line. The risk of not using a referral link is that the system places or attaches you to the largest structure with ID1. This means that you can’t earn much from your upline.

Feel free to chat me up on WhatsApp.

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Why you should join my team.

  1. I will offer you a step-by-step guide on how to earn massively on the platform.
  2. I will offer one on one support to ensure your success.
  3. I will assist you in building your team.

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